
Recordyourscreenrightfromthebrowser.Noinstallationrequired.Record!Videosareprocessedinthebrowserandareneversenttoourservers.,RecordScreen.ioisafreebrowserapplicationtoolwhereinyoucandirectlydoascreen-capturewithoutinstallinganyprogram.Simplygotothebrowserwebsite ...,2019年6月26日—錄影模式分為兩種,一種是有加上攝影機鏡頭,或是單獨只錄製螢幕,點選後會出現不同的畫面讓使用者參考,選好後按下「Start...

Record your screen right from the browser. No installation required. Record! Videos are processed in the browser and are never sent to our servers. Online is a free browser application tool wherein you can directly do a screen-capture without installing any program. Simply go to the browser website ... 從瀏覽器進行螢幕錄影,免下載安裝軟體或外掛

2019年6月26日 — 錄影模式分為兩種,一種是有加上攝影機鏡頭,或是單獨只錄製螢幕,點選後會出現不同的畫面讓使用者參考,選好後按下「Start Recording」進入下一步。

Record videos from the camera or capture from the screen. Free screen and camera recorder. Capture unlimited videos. Available for Mac, Windows, Chrome and Edge ...

Record videos from the camera or capture from the screen. Free screen and camera recorder. Capture unlimited videos.

Screen Recorder

Chrome extension to record a video from the camera or capture it from the screen (desktop, specific application window or Chrome tab). Free to use No signup ...

Screen Recorder - Online Video Recorder

The ultimate online screen recorder that works seamlessly on any device. Capture and share your screen, record your webcam, and ensure seamless ...


ScreenApp is a online app to quickly record audio, screen and video with a click and use AI to take notes, transcribe and summarize content.


2022年6月20日 — 接著會出現要求影像和麥克風要的存取權限[Getting permissions for camera, mic and screen...],都要按下[允許]鍵,才可以錄到影像及聲音。